Calcium carbide mud noncoal mine infrastructure extension equipment
Case studyOptimization of proportions and solidification
2024年7月1日 Calcium carbide slag (CS) is a coalbased industrial byproduct generated during the production of acetylene Due to its large production volume, effective means for handling 2022年11月30日 For rational disposal of solid wastes, lowcost cemented paste backfills (CPB) were prepared with iron tailings, ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), and calcium Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Iron Tailings 2015年8月28日 Calcium carbide residue (CCR) is an industrial byproduct, stockpiles of which are rapidly accumulating worldwide Highway embankment construction has been identified as Multiscale laboratory evaluation of the physical, mechanical, and The equipment used for the smelting of calcium carbide is similar to that employed in electric furnaces used for other forms of ferroalloys processing, where carbon is used as a reductant Calcium Carbide an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Calcium Carbide from Limestone (OxyThermal Process) Intratec
This report presents a cost analysis of Calcium Carbide production from limestone and coke via an oxythermal process This process is based on the combustion of the carbonaceous 2024年1月5日 The findings suggest that carefully designed mixtures based on the chemical interactions of calcium carbide residue and coal fly ash can offer a sustainable, efficient Evaluation of calcium carbide residue and fly ash as sustainable 2024年4月1日 Calcium carbide residue (CCR), a byproduct of the acetylene industry, is generated at a rate of 136 million tonnes per year, posing significant environmental risks This Sustainable utilisation of calciumrich industrial wastes in soil Red mud (RM) and calcium carbide residue (CCR) are waste generated from alumina refining and acetylene gas producing, respectively This study utilized alkaliactivated ground granulated Strength development and microstructure of sustainable
Recycling and utilization of calcium carbide slag Semantic Scholar
2022年5月1日 Recycling sediment, calcium carbide slag and ground granulated blastfurnace slag into novel and sustainable cementitious binder for production of ecofriendly mortar ABSTRACT: Calcium carbide slag (CS) is an industrial solid waste produced via the coalbased poly(vinyl chloride) process, and its main component is calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) (85−95 An Innovative Approach to Prepare Calcium Oxide from Calcium 2024年7月1日 This study proposed an ecofriendly method of stabilizing marine soil using a calcium carbide residue (CCR)activated coal gangue (CG) geopolymer derived from industrial waste Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties, durability performance, and stabilization mechanisms of stabilized marine soils under multiple Mechanics, durability, and microstructure analysis of marine soil 2021年8月1日 As calcium carbide (CaC 2) production is an energyintensive industry, a novel low rank coal to CaC 2 (LRCtCC) process has been developed This study is aimed to evaluate the technoeconomic performance of the LRCtCC process A model integrating particle swarm optimization and nonlinear programming (PSONLP) is developed to predict the behavior of Case study of a novel low rank coal to calcium carbide process based
Study on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag
2020年12月5日 In the process of coal mining, coal spontaneous combustion in the gob area poses serious threats to the safety of mine production Besides, coal combustion also produces a large amount of greenhouse gas CO 2, which triggers a series of ecological environment problemsIn order to solve these two problems, the idea of mineralizing CO 2 with the alkaline Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol12 No11 (2021), 69076918 Research Article 6908Removal of Iron (II) and Manganese (II) from Synthetic Acid Mine 2014年1月31日 Owing to the thermodynamic and kinetics restrictions, traditional electric arc method for calcium carbide (CaC2) synthesis is operated at very high temperature (∼2200 oC), which is an energy Thermodynamic Analysis of Calcium Carbide ProductionAbstract In the process of coal mining, coal spontaneous combustion in the gob area poses serious threats to the safety of mine production Besides, coal combustion also produces a large amount of greenhouse gas CO2, which triggers a series of ecological environment problems In order to solve these two problems, the idea of mineralizing CO2 with the alkaline industrial Study on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag
Calcium Carbide from Limestone (OxyThermal Process) Intratec
Calcium Carbide (aka CaC2, Calcium Acetylide) is a colorless (in its pure form) and odorless inorganic compound Commercial Calcium Carbide, however, may present a relatively wide range of colors depending on the impurities present (usually calcium, magnesium and other oxides)2022年5月1日 Coal is the dominant fuel in China to provide primary energy, and 70% of polyvinyl chloride is produced from coalbased CaC 2CaC 2 reacts with water to produce acetylene and calcium carbide slag (CCS) as a solid waste for polyvinyl chloride production Approximate 40 million tons of dry CCS are generated annually in China, among which only a Recycling and utilization of calcium carbide slag ScienceDirect2020年9月21日 A type of calcium coke was developed for use in the oxythermal process of calcium carbide production The calcium coke was prepared by the copyrolysis of coking coal and calcium carbide slag, which is a solid waste generated from the chloralkali industry The characteristics of the calcium cokes under different conditions were analyzed experimentally Development of calcium coke for CaC2 production using calcium carbide 2021年11月17日 Mud Content (%)11: C Evaluation of compressive strength and resistance of chloride ingress of concrete using a novel binder from ground coal bottom ash and ground calcium carbide residue Constr Build Mater 2019; 214:631–640 doi: 101016/jconbuildmat201904145Mechanical Properties and Durability Performance of Concrete
Recycling and utilization of calcium carbide slag ResearchGate
2022年5月1日 Coal is the dominant fuel in China to provide primary energy, and 70% of polyvinyl chloride is produced from coalbased CaC2 CaC2 reacts with water to produce acetylene and calcium carbide slag in the calcium carbide production process Molten calcium carbide is tapped continuously from the furnace into chills and is allowed to cool and solidify Then, the solidified calcium carbide goes through primary crushing by jaw crushers, followed by secondary crushing and screening for size To prevent explosion hazards from acetylene 114 Calcium Carbide Manufacturing US EPACalcium Carbide (aka CaC2, Calcium Acetylide) is a colorless (in its pure form) and odorless inorganic compound Commercial Calcium Carbide, however, may present a relatively wide range of colors depending on the impurities present (usually calcium, magnesium and other oxides)Calcium Carbide from Limestone (Electrothermic Process) IntratecStudy on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag Foam for Coal Mine Disaster Reduction and CO2 Storage; Study on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag Foam for Coal Mine Disaster Reduction and CO2 Storage LW Lei Wu Lei Wu; Guansheng Qi Guansheng Qi; Wei Lu Wei Lu; ZH Zhenglong He Zhenglong He; JL Jinliang LiStudy on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag
Investigation of various curing methods on the properties of red mud
Download Citation On Oct 1, 2023, Qingxin Zhao and others published Investigation of various curing methods on the properties of red mudcalcium carbide slagbased artificial lightweight 2021年1月1日 Calcium carbide 03 Depending on the actual use of the carbide lime, eg equal to PCC carbonation rate when carbide lime is used to manufacture PCC Nonferrous(PDF) Natural and enhanced carbonation of lime in its different 2021年10月25日 The carbide slag was involved in the activation process of coal gangue by Na2CO3 at 740847 °C, which destroyed the SiO structure and AlOH structure in coal gangue, generated calcium silicate Recycling sediment, calcium carbide slag and ground granulated 2022年12月15日 Highrisk areas in coal mines have become an increasingly serious issue in recent years However, the chemical foaming agents used in coal mine filling management are mostly hydrogen peroxide which produces combustible O 2 and aluminum or zinc powder which is explosive H 2All of the above chemical foaming agents do not have safe filling conditionsA novel CO2 foaming agent for the preparation of foamed
China orders safety inspection of 32,000 noncoal mines
2021年1月19日 BEIJING — China's National Mine Safety Administration has ordered a comprehensive inspection of the country's noncoal mines to forestall major accidents According to a directive issued recently by the administration, the campaign will last till the end of March, with efforts focusing on preventing the occurrence of severe accidents including collapses in 2018年3月30日 Chemical stabilization is commonly used to improve engineering properties of problematic soils This study investigates the possibility of using calcium carbide residue (CCR), a byproduct of the acetylene production process, to improve engineering properties of claysSustainable Usage of Calcium Carbide Residue for Stabilization of 2022年11月1日 Red mud (RM) and calcium carbide residue (CCR) are waste generated from alumina refining and acetylene gas producing, respectively This study utilized alkaliactivated ground granulated blast Strength development and microstructure of sustainable Company Overview Inner Mongolia Nashun Equipmentamp;Engineering (Group) Corp, Ltd(hereafter called "Nashun Group") is located in the beautiful grassland Hohhot city Jinhai industry park in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ,which cover an area of square meters, with building area of 51380 square meters, industry operation area of 42144 square Inner Mongolia Nashun Equipment Engineering (Group) Corp,
Experimental study on calcium carbide residue as a combined
2021年12月20日 This study investigates the use of calcium carbide residue (CCR) as a potential alternative to NaOH for activating coal gangue (CG) geopolymers, both of industrial waste A series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of CCR content, NaOH:Na 2 SiO 3 mass ratios, liquid to solid ratio (L/(CG + CCR)), and curing time on the strength development 2023年10月19日 Industrial solid wastes red mud and calcium carbide slag are used to prepare lightweight aggregate ceramsite by coldbonded pelletizing technology in this study The effects of mixing water and curing method on the physical properties of ceramsite were investigated, including natural curing (in air at 20 °C), sealed curing, water curing, hot air oven curing, Investigation of various curing methods on the properties of red mud 2021年12月1日 Request PDF Experimental study on calcium carbide residue as a combined activator for coal gangue geopolymer and feasibility for soil stabilization This study investigates the use of calcium Experimental study on calcium carbide residue as a combined 2021年8月1日 As calcium carbide (CaC 2) production is an energyintensive industry, a novel low rank coal to CaC 2 (LRCtCC) process has been developed This study is aimed to evaluate the technoeconomic performance of the LRCtCC process A model integrating particle swarm optimization and nonlinear programming (PSONLP) is developed to predict the behavior of Case study of a novel low rank coal to calcium carbide process
Life cycle assessment of acetylene production from calcium carbide
2021年11月1日 In China, the calcium carbide and methane partial oxidation methods are used to produce acetylene, with the former being predominantly used China is the largest producer and consumer of calcium carbide worldwide, with 2018 output reaching 2608 million tons, 90% of which was used to produce polyvinyl chloride, 1,4butanediol, and vinyl acetate through 2024年8月9日 A new type of ecological cementitious material was developed by using various solid waste materials to prepare lowcost and lowcarbon ecofriendly materials By incorporating circulating fluidized bed fly ash (CFBFA), red mud (RM), calcium carbide slag (CS), and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), the mechanical properties of the cementitious material Synergistic activation mechanism and longterm properties of a 2018年11月20日 Reutilization of industrial wastes or byproducts in construction, including dredged river sediments (DRS), iron tailing slag (ITS) and calcium carbide slag (CCS) etc, can reduce the Backfilling performance of mixtures of dredged river sediment and 2021年4月1日 As calcium carbide (CaC2) production is an energyintensive industry, a novel low rank coal to CaC2 (LRCtCC) process has been developed This study is aimed to evaluate the technoeconomic Case study of a novel low rank coal to calcium carbide
Mechanics, durability, and microstructure analysis of marine soil
2024年7月1日 This study proposed an ecofriendly method of stabilizing marine soil using a calcium carbide residue (CCR)activated coal gangue (CG) geopolymer derived from industrial waste Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties, durability performance, and stabilization mechanisms of stabilized marine soils under multiple 2021年8月1日 As calcium carbide (CaC 2) production is an energyintensive industry, a novel low rank coal to CaC 2 (LRCtCC) process has been developed This study is aimed to evaluate the technoeconomic performance of the LRCtCC process A model integrating particle swarm optimization and nonlinear programming (PSONLP) is developed to predict the behavior of Case study of a novel low rank coal to calcium carbide process based 2020年12月5日 In the process of coal mining, coal spontaneous combustion in the gob area poses serious threats to the safety of mine production Besides, coal combustion also produces a large amount of greenhouse gas CO 2, which triggers a series of ecological environment problemsIn order to solve these two problems, the idea of mineralizing CO 2 with the alkaline Study on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol12 No11 (2021), 69076918 Research Article 6908Removal of Iron (II) and Manganese (II) from Synthetic Acid Mine
Thermodynamic Analysis of Calcium Carbide Production
2014年1月31日 Owing to the thermodynamic and kinetics restrictions, traditional electric arc method for calcium carbide (CaC2) synthesis is operated at very high temperature (∼2200 oC), which is an energy Abstract In the process of coal mining, coal spontaneous combustion in the gob area poses serious threats to the safety of mine production Besides, coal combustion also produces a large amount of greenhouse gas CO2, which triggers a series of ecological environment problems In order to solve these two problems, the idea of mineralizing CO2 with the alkaline industrial Study on Preparation and Performance of Calcium Carbide Slag Calcium Carbide (aka CaC2, Calcium Acetylide) is a colorless (in its pure form) and odorless inorganic compound Commercial Calcium Carbide, however, may present a relatively wide range of colors depending on the impurities present (usually calcium, magnesium and other oxides)Calcium Carbide from Limestone (OxyThermal Process) Intratec2022年5月1日 Coal is the dominant fuel in China to provide primary energy, and 70% of polyvinyl chloride is produced from coalbased CaC 2CaC 2 reacts with water to produce acetylene and calcium carbide slag (CCS) as a solid waste for polyvinyl chloride production Approximate 40 million tons of dry CCS are generated annually in China, among which only a Recycling and utilization of calcium carbide slag ScienceDirect
Development of calcium coke for CaC2 production using calcium carbide
2020年9月21日 A type of calcium coke was developed for use in the oxythermal process of calcium carbide production The calcium coke was prepared by the copyrolysis of coking coal and calcium carbide slag, which is a solid waste generated from the chloralkali industry The characteristics of the calcium cokes under different conditions were analyzed experimentally 2021年11月17日 Mud Content (%)11: C Evaluation of compressive strength and resistance of chloride ingress of concrete using a novel binder from ground coal bottom ash and ground calcium carbide residue Constr Build Mater 2019; 214:631–640 doi: 101016/jconbuildmat201904145Mechanical Properties and Durability Performance of Concrete