Building recycled fine aggregate
Durability studies on recycled fine aggregate concrete
2020年7月30日 Recycled fine aggregates (RFA) are sustainable materials for constructions RFA content and porosity are major factors that influences the durability of concrete Optimum 2021年1月18日 This paper discusses the stateoftheart of the fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA), focusing on their physical and chemical properties, engineering properties and durability of(PDF) Use of fine recycled concrete aggregates in2024年6月11日 Utilizing recycled aggregates in construction results in substantial energy, financial, and natural resource savings Utilizing recovered aggregates directly reduces the Studying the usability of recycled aggregate to produce new 2023年10月15日 In this study, the feasible use of RF, including recycled fine aggregates (RFA) and recycled powders (RP), in recycled concrete was studied from the perspective of fresh Use of recycled fine aggregates and recycled powders in
Sustainable building materialsrecycled aggregate and concrete: a
2024年2月24日 Numerous studies on CD waste, recycled concrete aggregate (RA), and recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) have been reported in the literature, with few systematic 2024年4月9日 This study aimed to enhance the performance of RFA as a substitute for river sand in concrete as well as fulfill the present demand for fine aggregates in the construction sector by utilizing accelerated carbonation Enhancing the Mechanical and Durability Properties of 2013年11月9日 This paper presents a review of the literature published so far on the use of fine aggregates from construction demolition waste used as a partial or total replacement of fine Concrete with fine recycled aggregates: a review Taylor Francis 2024年12月4日 This article presents a structured and comprehensive review of the existing literature on physical, chemical, microstructure, and durability properties of recycled aggregate Performance of construction and demolition waste as recycled
The Durability of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete: A
2022年1月31日 This paper reviews the findings of research on the effects of recycled fine aggregates (RFAs) on the permeability, drying shrinkage, carbonation, chloride ion penetration, acid resistance,2020年5月27日 In this context, use of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) from construction and demolition (CD) waste can be This paper has been submitted with the approval of Director Council of Scientific and Innovative ResearchCentral Building Research Institute (CSIRCBRI), Roorkee, India The financial support provided by M/s Performance of Recycled FineAggregate Concrete Using Novel 2023年11月1日 River Sand is one of the essential building materials in construction and is consumed in huge quantities worldwide to produce concrete and recycled fine aggregate (RFA) of 0 %, 30 %, 50 %, 70 % and 100 %, respectively Using empirical comparisons, the research identifies the link between the internal RH and drying A systematic comparison of performance of recycled concrete fine 2024年7月1日 Abstract The use of recycled aggregates as raw materials in mortar and concrete can not only achieve the effective use of renewable resources but also achieve environmental friendliness In this paper, the influence of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) content and additives on fluidity, fluidity loss, strength, drying shrinkage, and hardened surface roughness of self Influence of Recycled Fine Aggregate on the Properties of Self
Carbon Emission Evaluation of Recycled Fine Aggregate
2022年11月3日 This study conducts a life cycle assessment (LCA) of carbon emissions for recycled fine aggregate (RFA) concrete There were six stages involved in the life cycle of RFA, including raw material extraction and processing, transportation to the manufacture, RFA concrete manufacturing, transportation to the building site, construction, and deconstruction or demolition2019年12月2日 This study investigated the mechanical behavior of normal strength (NS) and high strength (HS) concrete containing recycled fine aggregates (RFAs) A high slump mixing design was employed, which may be potentially used as filled structural concrete The compressive strength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus were measured according to the Mechanical Behavior of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete with 2022年1月1日 Utilizing recycled fine aggregate (RFA) and recycled fine powder (RFP) both from concrete waste to prepare fully recycled mortar benefits the recycling of construction waste This investigation focused on the performance and modification of recycled mortar with both RFA and RFP, and the properties were obtained by micro and macromeasurementsEffects of recycled fine aggregates on properties of concrete 2020年4月27日 Request PDF Use of recycled plastic as fine aggregate in cementitious composites: A review Abstract Significant growth in the consumption of plastic products is observed all over the world in Use of recycled plastic as fine aggregate in ResearchGate
Enhancing the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Fully Recycled
2024年4月9日 The global construction industry is increasingly utilizing concrete prepared from recycled aggregate as a substitute for natural aggregate However, the subpar performance of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) has resulted in its underutilization, particularly in the structural concrete exposed to challenging environments, including those involving chlorine salts and 2023年1月18日 Construction and Building Materials Volume 364, 18 January 2023, Recycled fine aggregate (RFA) was produced by crushing Portland cementbased mortar cubes (150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm), which were prepared in the laboratory and cured in water for 3 months before crushingRoles of recycled fine aggregate and carbonated recycled fine aggregate 2021年12月1日 The research on recycled fine aggregate concrete (RFAC) has also been concerned Khatib’s results [8] showed that as the replacement ratio of RFA is between 25% and 75%, the effects of RFA on compressive strength remain constant, while the effects of the RFA replacement ratio of 100% on the compressive strength of concrete are significantly reduced Effects of recycled fine aggregate and steel fiber on compressive 2020年12月10日 A detailed study is presented in this paper of 18 mixtures (SF3 slumpflow class) containing 100% coarse recycled concrete aggregate, two types of cement (CEM I or CEM III/A, the latter with 45% ground granulated blast furnace slag), different contents of fine recycled concrete aggregate (0, 50, or 100%), and three different aggregate powders (ultrafine Effect of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the mechanical
Recycled Aggregate: A Viable Solution for Sustainable
2022年7月30日 Construction and demolition activities consume large amounts of natural resources, generating 45 bi tons of solid waste/year, called construction and demolition waste (CDW) and other wastes, such as 2018年12月31日 From the study, it is found that an effective replacement of 3197 and 2005% of Recycled Fine Aggregate for M 30 and M 40 grade, respectively The compressive strength is found to be for M 30 —3729 and M 40 —4806 N/mm 2, Replacement of Fine Aggregates by Recycled Construction and 2021年1月18日 Development of wastebased concretes containing foundry sand, recycled fine aggregate, ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash Author links open overlay panel Aliakbar Gholampour a, Junai Zheng b, Togay Ozbakkaloglu c Construction and Building Materials, Volume 159, 2018, pp 417430 RK Majhi, , BB MukharjeeDevelopment of wastebased concretes containing foundry sand, recycled 2020年7月1日 Abstract The use of recycled fine aggregates (RFA) from construction and demolition(CD) waste in concrete gaining importance from past decades The presence of excessive fines and old adhered mortar in RFA, make mediocre properties of RFA concrete The influencing properties of RFA concrete on different durability aspects lacks research dataDurability studies on recycled fine aggregate concrete
Utilization of recycled fine aggregate in ultrahigh performance
2024年8月16日 Recycled fine aggregate (RFA), a type of LWA, is produced from construction and demolition (CD) waste through procedures such as crushing and screening, has the characteristics of high porosity and highwater absorption rate Construction and Building Materials, Volume 439, 2024, Article Neetu Gopakumar, 2021年11月24日 Keywords: recycled aggregate, concrete strength, discarded carbon fibers, concrete, based materials, concrete and cement Citation: Zaid O and Zamir Hashmi SR (2021) Experimental Study on Mechanical Performance of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete Reinforced With Discarded Carbon Fibers Front Mater 8: doi: Experimental Study on Mechanical Performance of Recycled Fine Aggregate 2023年6月14日 21 Materials and Mixture Details Portland cement CPII F32 composed with 6% of calcareous filler [], two fine aggregates (natural and recycled) and tap water were used to produce the mortars mixturesRecycled fine aggregate (RFA) was obtained from hydrated cement waste The waste was obtained by mixing a Brazilian Portland cement (CP III), that is Physical and Mechanical Properties of Mortar Made with Recycled Fine 2021年7月19日 To reduce the cost of lightweight concrete (LWC) partition panels and to address recycling concrete waste, this work utilized completely recycled fine aggregate (CRFA) to replace the natural fine aggregate and ceramsite in the preparation of LWC and LWC partition panels To this end, an autoclavefree curing process and an airentraining agent were used to prepare Utilization of Completely Recycled Fine Aggregate for
Study on the Effect of Recycled Fine Aggregate Qualities on Fly
2023年11月23日 The rapid expansion of construction, fueled by industry and economic and population growth, has exacerbated the challenge of managing construction waste, especially concrete waste One promising solution lies in the utilization of recycled fine aggregate (RFA), especially in combination with the emerging geopolymer technology, an innovative alternative 2011年11月1日 Recycled fine aggregate obtained from crushed waste concrete Recycled concrete with variable content of recycled fine aggregate Mechanical and durable behaviour The compressive strengths of recycled and conventional concretes are Construction and Building Materials, Volume 262, 2020, Article Juntao Dang Use of recycled fine aggregate in concretes with durable 2011年11月1日 Recycled fine aggregate obtained from crushed waste concrete Recycled concrete with variable content of recycled fine aggregate Mechanical and durable behaviour The compressive strengths of recycled and conventional concretes are similar The durable behaviour of recycled concretes is as good as that of conventional oneUse of recycled fine aggregate in concretes with durable 2024年2月8日 This research investigates the viability of highstrength Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) sourced from demolished structures containing highstrength concrete as a substitute for natural fine aggregates (NA) in An Evaluation of the Strength for Recycled Fine
Mechanical properties of recycled fine aggregate concrete incorporating
2021年9月6日 The current studies on the workability, mechanical properties, and durability of recycled fine aggregate concrete (RFAC) showed that: (1) the slump of fresh RFAC declined with an increase in RFA replacement ratio due to the rougher surface texture and greater angularity of RFA [21]; (2) the RFA had a significant negative effect on the mechanical properties of The influence of the recycled ceramic coarse (fine) aggregate on the creep deformation, creep coefficient, and specific creep of the specimens was analysed using the 156day creep curves obtained in the tests Using a scanning electron microscope, the microstructural causes for the influence of recycled ceramic aggregates on creep were revealedCreep testing and analysis of recycled ceramic aggregate Recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste towards an application on structural concrete: A review Fernanda de Andrade Salgado, Flávio de Andrade Silva, in Journal of Building Engineering, 2022 Highlights • Recycled aggregate is a sustainable solution for environmental depletion of construction sector Properties of recycled aggregates can be improved by Recycled Aggregate an overview ScienceDirect Topics2020年7月30日 Recycled fine aggregate (RFA) and river sand (RS) were acquired from CD waste plant, New Delhi and river Yamuna respectively Confirming to IS: 269–2015 Construction and Building Materials, Volume 266, Part A, 2021, Article Nancy Soni, Dharmendra Kumar ShuklaDurability studies on recycled fine aggregate concrete
Experimental Investigation of Concrete Blocks Manufactured Using
2019年1月27日 Twelve series of mixtures comprising reference concrete with natural aggregate and 100% recycled concrete aggregate with natural fine aggregate replaced with quarry dust ranging from 10 to 100% 2020年6月8日 The use of recycled fine aggregates (RFA) from construction and demolition(CD) waste in concrete gaining importance from past decades The presence of excessive fines and old adhered mortar in Durability studies on recycled fine aggregate concreteRoles of recycled fine aggregate and carbonated recycled fine aggregate in alkaliactivated slag and glass powder mortar / Li, Long; Lu, Jianxin; Shen, Peiliang et al In: Construction and Building Materials, Vol 364, , 18012023 Research output: Journal article publication › Journal article › Academic research › peerreviewRoles of recycled fine aggregate and carbonated recycled fine aggregate 2020年5月27日 In this context, use of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) from construction and demolition (CD) waste can be This paper has been submitted with the approval of Director Council of Scientific and Innovative ResearchCentral Building Research Institute (CSIRCBRI), Roorkee, India The financial support provided by M/s Performance of Recycled FineAggregate Concrete Using Novel
A systematic comparison of performance of recycled concrete fine
2023年11月1日 River Sand is one of the essential building materials in construction and is consumed in huge quantities worldwide to produce concrete and recycled fine aggregate (RFA) of 0 %, 30 %, 50 %, 70 % and 100 %, respectively Using empirical comparisons, the research identifies the link between the internal RH and drying 2024年7月1日 Abstract The use of recycled aggregates as raw materials in mortar and concrete can not only achieve the effective use of renewable resources but also achieve environmental friendliness In this paper, the influence of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) content and additives on fluidity, fluidity loss, strength, drying shrinkage, and hardened surface roughness of self Influence of Recycled Fine Aggregate on the Properties of Self 2022年11月3日 This study conducts a life cycle assessment (LCA) of carbon emissions for recycled fine aggregate (RFA) concrete There were six stages involved in the life cycle of RFA, including raw material extraction and processing, transportation to the manufacture, RFA concrete manufacturing, transportation to the building site, construction, and deconstruction or demolitionCarbon Emission Evaluation of Recycled Fine Aggregate 2019年12月2日 This study investigated the mechanical behavior of normal strength (NS) and high strength (HS) concrete containing recycled fine aggregates (RFAs) A high slump mixing design was employed, which may be potentially used as filled structural concrete The compressive strength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus were measured according to the Mechanical Behavior of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete with
Effects of recycled fine aggregates on properties of concrete
2022年1月1日 Utilizing recycled fine aggregate (RFA) and recycled fine powder (RFP) both from concrete waste to prepare fully recycled mortar benefits the recycling of construction waste This investigation focused on the performance and modification of recycled mortar with both RFA and RFP, and the properties were obtained by micro and macromeasurements2020年4月27日 Request PDF Use of recycled plastic as fine aggregate in cementitious composites: A review Abstract Significant growth in the consumption of plastic products is observed all over the world in Use of recycled plastic as fine aggregate in ResearchGate2024年4月9日 The global construction industry is increasingly utilizing concrete prepared from recycled aggregate as a substitute for natural aggregate However, the subpar performance of recycled fine aggregate (RFA) has resulted in its underutilization, particularly in the structural concrete exposed to challenging environments, including those involving chlorine salts and Enhancing the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Fully Recycled 2023年1月18日 Construction and Building Materials Volume 364, 18 January 2023, Recycled fine aggregate (RFA) was produced by crushing Portland cementbased mortar cubes (150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm), which were prepared in the laboratory and cured in water for 3 months before crushingRoles of recycled fine aggregate and carbonated recycled fine aggregate
Effects of recycled fine aggregate and steel fiber on compressive
2021年12月1日 The research on recycled fine aggregate concrete (RFAC) has also been concerned Khatib’s results [8] showed that as the replacement ratio of RFA is between 25% and 75%, the effects of RFA on compressive strength remain constant, while the effects of the RFA replacement ratio of 100% on the compressive strength of concrete are significantly reduced